
The World of the Dead


Bru na boinne has been the focus of human settlement for over six thousand years. Traces of activity from distinctly different time periods survive. The tombs, which are from Neolithic times, may have been used for ritual and ceremony about five thousand years ago.

Construction of the tombs commenced around 3300bc. Over time the landscape was farmed, domesticated, and domestic houses were built.  Skills such as astronomy indicate a highly organized society which included rituals, ceremonies, and the building of permanent structures to house the dead.

The tombs fell into disuse, possibly, in 2900bc. The area around the tombs was still used for ceremonies in 2200bc. Neatly placed embarked circles, pit circles, and wooden post circles were built on the site. There is a curcus, path, and banks. There is low visibility of materials from the Bronze Age.

There are a small number of cist burials. There is evidence of sporadic activity from the Iron Age. Coins and jewelry, which were valuable, were generously deposited at Newgrange as offerings to the dead.