Web comics

Mr. Spooky

Mr. Spooky is a moody person. Mr. Spooky likes pulling pranks. Is your house big? Mr. Spooky’s house is ten floors high. Mr. Spooky’s house is dark and scary.

When you or I play, we are usually nice to our friends – but not Mr. Spooky. Mr. Spooky is lonely because no one wants to be treated badly. Mr. Spooky decided to pull a giant prank. Mr. Spooky started the prank after dark.

Mr. Spooky put live spiders under Mr. Happy’s pillow. Poor Mr. Happy screamed and fled. After hearing about this, no one wanted to talk to Mr. Spooky. This made Mr. Spooky sad, so he decided he would try to make it up. Mr. Happy accepted Mr. Spooky’s apology, and Mr. Spooky is much happier now.