
Royal Gardens Kilmainham

A five minute walk from our townhouse is the Royal Hospital Kilmainham and the Royal Garden. At Insomnia coffee, which is situated just past the entry to the Hospital, we grabbed some cups, then we backtracked.





Into the large, cobbled courtyard we went. On our right we saw a spire with a clock face, below which, extending out from the masonry, hung a sun dial. Out the back of the courtyard and around the side to the sunken gardens we went.








Beautifully symmetric, pea-gravel paths, all straight lines and acutely angled junctions. Paths lead off to separate focal points, featured within were stone sculptures of a man, of a woman, surprisingly- a large disco ball and a fountain.  An installation of modern art, in which the aforementioned disco ball takes part, pops in bright primary white, red,  green and checkerboard, transposed over this very English feeling garden, we see a recurring theme of eyes and tongues, the whole collection is recognizably pop-art.




The central path lead us to a two story stone carriage house sided by iron gates, its open front held a screen which featured a spoken word performance on cherishing, filmed in the nearby courtyard.






Surrounding each separate focal point, evergreen shrubs around seven feet in height, formed small labyrinths.






Alligned with the middle of the garden and opposite the carriage house stood stout, balustraded stone steps that led us up to a narrow garden. Running parallel to the North face of the Hospital is a path which leads right and left. The lawns here were drenched in the shade of massive old growth weeping willows, beneath which stood stone art installations.



Up another set of steps and we found ourselves back on the road leading
out of the Hospital grounds. What a lovely walk! We wound through the labyrinth, walked to the end of dead ends and took our time to enjoy this free, open space.